25 Things Every Mother Should Tell Her Daughter

25 Lessons Every Mother Should Teach Her Daughter

25 Things Every Mother Should Tell Her Daughter

1. Be kind to others. We are constantly competing with everyone and life is more beautiful when we all just work together.

2. You will be hurt, but you will survive.

3. Don’t be hard on yourself when you fail in something. Learn from your mistakes.

4. You will do stupid things from time to time. How you handle those situations is what counts.

5. Stand up for yourself and for those that can’t stand up for themselves.

6. Embrace people’s differences.

7. Do What makes you happy.

8. Make world a better place. You can do it.

9. In the end, it’s not how much money you have. It’s how you lived your life.

10. You are beautiful. Don’t let anyone tell you you are not.

11. Always challenge yourself.

12. It’s OK to be wrong!

13. Dream!

14. If you love somebody, show them your love!

15. Don’t settle for anything!

16. You are unique. There’s no one like you.

17. Be patient.

18. Don’t be afraid to give it a try.

19. Love yourself so you can love others.

20. Don’t dream your life, live your dreams.

21. It’s not about the destination, it’s the journey that matters.

22. Take responsibility for the mistakes you make.

23. Don’t lie. Don’t cheat. Don’t steal.

24. No one ever succeeded without trying.

25. I love you, and no matter what, I will always love you.

Those are the things I want my daughter learns from me. Every single one of them is important – and there are much more I could add to the list. After all, the parents are responsible to help those little people be the best version of themselves.

Is there some important life lesson you would add to your list? What is that one thing you would say it is most important? Do you remember life lessons your parents have taught you?

Share with us in the comments section.

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  1. These are fantastic. Yes, yes and yes!! There is so much we should be saying to them isn’t there ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for sharing!

  2. Wonderful list! I hope I have shared each of these with my daughter over the years. I would add “Laugh at least once a day – it’s good for your soul.”

  3. I love love love this list so much <3 It's all the things I want to tell to my daughter one day, and the things I wish someone had said to me too growing up. This one is so incredibly important: Stand up for yourself and for those that canโ€™t stand up for themselves.

    Thank you for this <3 Hope you have a wonderful weekend! XOXO

  4. It really helped me due to not being present in my daughters life as she was growing up so it has taught some great tips on being a better parent & still learning.


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