I’m a stay at home mom, and I have something to say…


As you may have read in other sections of this blog, I’m a stay at home mom of a 2-year-old girl. It isn’t always an easy task of course, but I find it incredibly rewarding.

stay at home mom

If you are also a stay at home mom or dad, something you’ve probably heard a lot is people discussing the decisions you make, and telling you that you are wasting your time, abilities, and blah blah blah. The truth is, I’m tired of hearing people who say that because I’m a stay at home mom (SAHM), I don’t have anything “valuable” to offer. So, here is what I want them to know:

A stay at home mom doesn’t need an office to be productive and make money

Nowadays, we have a lot of options to earn a living that don’t necessarily require to go to a place and be there the whole day. To think otherwise is outdated, really. We are living in the Wi-Fi era, and there are millions of women- including me- who prefer having more time to spend with their children, instead of a regular full-time job in an office. Launching an own business can be tough at first, I agree on that, but it’s not impossible. All a stay at home mom needs is a good idea, self-motivation and a flexible schedule – and here you have a work at home mom.

Not having a boss is simply AWESOME

Me and my daughter can spend hours playing peek-a-boo in a park or maybe just wandering around. The best part is that I don’t need to ask permission to anyone. For that reason, the quality time I can have with my little girl is shaped by us and not limited by a tight schedule. Besides, I can always continue things from where I left them, and that won’t affect my performance at work. I’m not gonna lie to you, being able to focus is hard at times because kids are kids, right? Sometimes I can’t work as much as I’d like to, but I still wouldn’t change this for anything in the world.

No, I’m not all baby 24/7

Everybody need some time for themselves. So, even though I’m a full-time mom, I also have my spare time. I read, go to the gym and talk to other adults. I enjoy investing hours in my well-being because I think it’s important that I’m happy if I want my child to be too.
I have goals and projects in life that fulfill me and challenge me at the same time. I’m proactive, creative and ambitious. The thing is that, above all that, I choose to be a stay at home mom. If you thought that I was wasting my time and abilities, you are totally wrong.

Being a stay at home mom is my choice, so say no more

One of the best things that being a stay at home mom has given me, is the possibility of watching my daughter in every step she takes. I have seen her gaining confidence and attempting new things, and we have created a super special bond that makes me proud and fulfills me in every possible way. I chose this, because as soon as I saw her I was determined to provide her with the best years at home I could. I consider it a gift, because this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and no paycheck will ever be enough to pay for that.

So, in conclusion, I think that I’m speaking behalf of a lot of stay at home mothers when I say to those who have belittled us: It’s my life and my choice. Please, say no more.

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  1. You go girl! I applaud and encourage your choice!

    We made the choice for me to stay home for the first 11 years of my son’s life and 8 of my daughter’s life. I have never regretted that decision!

    They are both in college now, and have chosen to live at home. We have a great relationship with them still.

    All of that time you are investing will reap incredible dividends!!

    Came over on Smart Party Planning, and I’m glad to find your site.
    Hope you have a blessed day~

  2. I’ve been a stay-at-home AND a work-from-home mom since my daughter was born 2+ years ago, and I can honestly say that I’ve never been happier. I did have a typical 9-5 office job before I had children / got married, and while I certainly didn’t hate it, I DID hate being chained to a desk most of the day, the rigid rules / hours / dress code, etc. I took a work-from-home job before I even had kids, and immediately fell in love with it. Once I had my daughter, it became truly perfect – it allowed me to keep doing the job I loved (working with international au pairs and their American host families), but on a flexible schedule (most of my calls/skypes are during nap time, and my in-person meetings are done in the evenings once my husband is home and can watch our daughter). It allows me to feel intellectually stimulated by work, AND have tons of time with my daughter. Truly, i couldn’t be happier with how it worked out!

  3. Yes, it can be tough, at times, to be a SAHM, yet, just as you’ve said, it’s so rewarding. And flexible. And even (at least for me) has allowed me to learn about other ventures or ideas I enjoy, while also giving me the time and energy to work on pursuing them. I really did love some of the work I did as a professional, but not more than what I’m doing now.

    Like right this moment, Baby Boy is playing, I’m working and we’re all happy and feeling good 🙂

  4. I had such a hard time when I was a full time SAHM. So many rude comments, especially since I’m single too. Now I work from home (2 of my jobs) and teach part time, as well as look after my children the whole time I’m not teaching. It’s a busy life but I love it!

  5. Totally agree. I hate hearing ‘well you have time so…’ or ‘I’ll just come over for a few hours’ like I don’t have a schedule or things to do! We work harder than most people and all definitely for less pay. But it’s so worth it!

  6. This is what I have to say about SAHM, myself being one years ago…thank you for doing so. If a you are able to, then it is no ones’ business why you do. Your children will reap the benefits and time is short when they are little so enjoy it. They do leave one day. Now that I’m a grandmother, my daughter too has chosen to stay at home with her little ones. I couldn’t be happier with her decision.

  7. Amen, sister! I’ve been home with my girls for 16 years! Being a SAHM of older kids invites a particular “curiosity” b/c people assume that when your children are older, they don’t need you and what can you possibly do all day when you’re past the diaper-changing stage AND the PTA stage?! Plenty, as it turns out. I’m glad I didn’t have to choose when to “stay home,” but if I’d had to, honestly I’d have chosen now. Getting my tween and teen off to school in a good frame of mind is the first shift, volunteering, “me stuff,” and homekeeping is the second shift, after-school mom psychology sessions are the third shift, and evening activities are the fourth! And it all matters and makes a difference. Keep on doing what matters most, mama! Stopping by from This Is How We Roll Thursdays!

  8. I loved this. I’m a stay at home mom and it’s totally my choice. Although it’s challenging at times, it’s the best purpose for my life right now.

    Thanks for sharing (and for linking up to the #SHINEbloghop).

    Wishing you a lovely day.

  9. Well said. I’m also a SAHM of 2 year old girl and I’m so used to that. Sometimes I miss being around people, but now when I have a child I’m not a ready for a full time job when i won’t be able spend enough time with my family. I love that i don’t have boss too)) It’s so great to be in charge of your own time.

  10. Love this! I have gotten some grief from a few people over my choice to stay home. But it works well for us. I honestly have no idea how we would manage if I was a working mom. (visiting from the This is How We Roll link party)

  11. I am a want to be a stay at home mom, but due to our current circumstances, it is not possible.

    Having lived in the world, I have come to the understanding that life happens, and everyone makes the choices that are right for them. So, good for you for not taking anything (four letter word) for your choices if they work for you. My sister is a one and done mother, while I am a 3, hoping our circumstances will allow a 4th, and we both hear a lot of BS for both directions.

    Keep on doing what you are doing.

  12. I couldn’t agree more. It was for this very reason I started The 21st Century Housewife blog back in 2002! Being a SAHM wouldn’t suit everyone but for those of us who want to do it (and I am so very glad I did!) it is absolutely the best choice. It is absolutely everyone’s individual choice what they do and no one should give you a hard time over a decision and a life choice that work so well for you! Well said! Thank you for sharing with us at Hearth and Soul.

  13. This applies to men as well! Although I know that there is a negative stigma that other women have about SAHM’s because they feel it is “taking two steps back”. I totally disagree with that. Just because careers and women are ALLOWED to get jobs does not mean that everyone should be expected to want that.

    I talked to my brother and his fiance and told them that I wanted to be a SAHD and they looked at me like I was crazy. The thing is, I think that having a parental figure at home is healthy for the child. It builds a stronger relationship between them and the parent. Also, I want to be there for my kids when they have activities to do and to be there for them emotionally. Of course, there is also a balance that needs to be maintained especially in the teenage years, when teens need their privacy. But in the end, I totally agree with what you said. The internet has made it possible for many people to work from home and start businesses. Who wants to drive in traffic to work every day when you could work from anywhere with an internet connection? Uhhhhh, not me!

  14. You always write hardhitting, that is what I like about it, Yes stay at home mom is also a great job giving us both satisfaction and love.

  15. Love this post brilliant! I have been a SAHM mum since I had my eldest nearly 5 years ago! eek that sounds like such a long time ago but it has flown by. I am proud to be a SAHM too this passed few years has been amazing I am lucky to of been able to stay off with them. Thanks for linking up to #kidscorner x


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