How Successful People Teach Their Kids About Money Infographic

Do you ever look back on your childhood and wish we would’ve been taught more about money? Well, I know some people graduated from college that have no idea how to manage their money. Like my brother, for example (Hi, Ivan!). My daughter is only two years old, but she already loves saving money. She loves to play with the pile of coins and after a while, she love to exchange it for a prize (a lollipop, a book she likes, a chocolate…). She feels very proud when she saves enough money to get something she wants.

I know she is just a toddler, but we started talking about money with her from an early age. Talking with kids about money value can be a little awkward, especially if they still don’t fully understand the concept. How to teach kids about money then? There are lots of tips and tricks you can use to help kids understand that. Learning to handle money is a really important skill and I believe it’s never too early to start teaching them about value of money.

We all know how important financial skills are, so it’s a bit surprising that our children don’t learn anything about it in schools. As a parent, however, you have an obligation to teach your child important financial lessons. To help you a bit, we will share some money lessons from successful people in this simple infographic. It’s interesting to hear what some of the world’s richest people have to say about the one thing they don’t really have to worry about and how do they teach their kids about money.

The earlier you start teaching your children to save money, the better off they’ll be in the future.

How To Teach Kids About Money

How To Teach Kids About Money

Quote Sources for infographic:
Business Insider
Huffington post

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  1. I love this. I have always tried to talk to my kids about money and help them learn to manage money. This info-graphic is super helpful!

  2. It’s so true that financial management and attitude towards money should begin from home at a young age. I love the infographic. May I share it on my blog and link it back to you?

  3. Hi Michelle! I am so happy you like the infographic. Yes, feel free to share it on your blog – I hope your readers will like it!


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