The Card And Vine – Etsy Shop

Here comes another Sunday… And as you all already know, my favorite weekend activity is browsing lovely shops on Etsy! I can’t say enough times how much I love this platform! I can spend all day long there looking for something perfect for me or even something to buy my friends for their birthdays.

I plan to buy most of the Christmas presents for my friends and family there so that everyone gets something unique and special. And I am sure they will love it! That is not so unusual since you can find all kind of beautiful and unique things on Etsy – with very reasonable prices.

So, if you’re still not buying things on Etsy – go there and help some independent artist and vintage sellers to earn some money.

The Card and Vine – Etsy Shop

card and vine etsy shop

The Etsy shop I want to talk to you about today is The Card And Vine, a shop where you will find essential oil blends, meditation balms, lotion bars and much more – truly something for everyone. The shop owner is lovely Theresa from Maryland and with her products she wants to offer inspiration, enlightenment, joy, and empowerment to every client’s life.

” I began to study aromatherapy and herbalism in earnest, and am currently enrolled in correspondence courses to supplement my increasingly large library of books. Combine that with my scholar’s eye for traditional uses, a potion master’s heart and love of the concoction, and a dab of magic from my Tarot studies, and you’ll get The Card and Vine!”

I know I will be buying from this awesome shop for Christmas. I know my sister will love aromatherapy kit of essential oil blends. What about you? What is your favorite product from The Card And Vine shop? Share your favorites in the comments section!

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